This article is a guide to get started with downtime. It takes you through the required administrative setup, for you to start reporting on downtime.
Certain administrative step is required before you can use downtime. This includes:
- Giving users access to manage downtime
- Enabling operational logging on locations
- Creating downtime categories
- Set up the system to automatically create assignments when a downtime occurs
Give users access to manage downtime
In order to give users access to manage downtime, you need to edit their settings under Roles.
- Go to the Roles tab
- Bundle up the users who are meant to be able to do the following in the web app:
- Mark locations as operational/out of operation.
- View and Edit the Operational Log of a location.
- Access the “Downtime” section in the web app where downtime events can be registered, resolved and edited.
- Tick off Manage Downtime for the selected group.
- Remember to click save.
Enabling Operational Logging for Locations
Next up is enabling the logging of operational hours on locations.
By default, no locations are enabled for registration of Downtime or Operational hours. This has to be done to the relevant locations.
- Go to the Locations tab.
- Enable the multi select tool, and tick off all of the relevant locations.
- Press Edit and change the top bar "operational logging of locations" to "Enable". Press update selected values.
- Now the toggling tool is visible for each of the locations. It allows you to mark a location in and out of operation and to do downtime registrations for that location.
- If a location by mistake is marked as in or out of operation, you can edit the log, by selecting the relevant location and press view operational log. Select the mistaken log, and press edit period or delete period.
Note: When enabling operational logging on a location, all users who has access to that particular location, will get access to the location through the Operations tile in the mobile app.
Creating downtime categories
Downtime categories are made to register the cause of the downtime. This is done by the administrative staff when handling or finalizing a downtime registration. Each individual downtime can be decorated with multiple categories at a time. It works as a convenient filter when browsing the list of registered downtime events and allows you to do reporting on accumulated downtime with categories as a pivot point.
- Go to the configuration tab.
- Press Downtime in the header.
- Press "Create new category" and enter the name of the category.
- If needed, you can rename or delete existing categorizes under this tab.
Automatic assignment creation
Depending on how you want to work with downtime events, you may want to force the creation of an assignment whenever a downtime event is registered in the system. By automatically creating assignments due to downtime events the downtime will enter a blocking state, which dictates that operators or technicians have to resolve the associated assignment before the location can be in operation again.
- Go to the configuration tab.
- Press Downtime in the header.
- Tick off "Create assignment when a new downtime is started".
- Add the relevant user groups under assignment assignee .
- Add the relevant assignment categories.
- Press save.