This article is a guide on how to use the dashboard editor. It explains why and tips on how to use dashboards.
The dashboards are your way of gaining insight into your data – both historically as well as in real-time.
All dashboards are based on the templates you or the administrative staff has set up for you. To learn more about the use of dashboard templates, click here.
Each dashboard consists of a selection of widgets showing different data about your organization. This could for example be: the location overview which gives you an overview of your locations, their status, checks and assignments; the completed checklists which shows the number of completed checklists; or the assignments which shows a list of all open assignments.
Use filters
By default, the dashboards show you everything you have access to – all checklists across all locations. For a more fine-grained view, you can use filters. The filters differ from widget to widget, but equal for all of them is they can help you focus/show your data in a specific way. The available filters are marked as different icons at the top of each widget.
Tip: Favorite filters are the ones which are initially used whenever an end-user access the dashboard. The dashboard administrator is able to set an initial “favorite filter” which should be used. However, the end-users are able to override this and select their own favorite filter if they desire. While the administrator is limited to select a favorite filter among the organization filters on the dashboard template, the end-users can also select one of their Personal filters as their favorite.
Access dashboards in different modes
All dashboards support a full-screen mode where only the dashboard contents are shown. This hides the browser toolbar while also hiding the rest of the Mobaro application and allows the dashboard to take up the full width and height of the screen.
Full-screen mode is enabled via the icon in the lower right corner.
While in full-screen mode, another icon is made available to you. This is the touch mode icon which is intended for having dashboards running as a continuous presentation on e.g. a big-screen TV which can be touch-enabled.
In this mode, the filters (both organization and personal filters) that are available on the dashboard are made available in a menu in the left side of the screen. Tapping the different filters works identical to when a user selects a filter from the drop-down menu in non-full-screen mode.
At the bottom of the filter list is a play button which can make the dashboard automatically switch between the different filters in a continuous loop. Pressing the button will ask you to define the time with which the filters should rotate.
Setting the time and pressing ok starts the dashboard in presentation mode where it rotates through the filters in the set interval. If it is a touch screen, the filters can still be overridden by selecting the individual filters just as all the drill-down features on the widgets still work.
Tip: Favorite dashboards are similar to favorite filters. They are loaded by default when the dashboard is viewed. Users can pick a favorite dashboard and this will be the dashboard which is opened when the user selects the “Dashboards” tab from the menu. This cannot be selected administratively, but has to be done manually by each user.