This article is about the use of QR codes. It explains how to set up QR codes, and three ways to use use them: as a question type, as a filter, and as a shortcut to gain access to a specific location. 


How to set up QR codes

Per default, each location has its own individual QR code, which can be customized from the location editor if needed. The system lets you export the codes allowing you to print and place them on your various locations.

The video below teaches you where to find the scanner code in the location editor, how to customize it and how to export it. 




Three ways to use QR codes

The QR codes can be used in three different ways:

  1. As a question type in checklists (called Scanner question).
  2. As a filtering option under assignments and checklists tiles in the mobile app.
  3. As a shortcut to the location in the location overview tile in the mobile app.


Type 1: Question types

When adding a scanner question to a checklist, you have to select which type of validation that should be used to answer the question:

  • None: The user has to scan any code, and will be showcased in the report.
  • Location: The user has to scan the code of the location he/she is currently working on.
  • Specific: The user has to scan a code that matches the specific code created for the question. 

The video below teaches you how to add a scanner question in a checklist and how it is answered in the mobile app.



Note: When selecting the specific validation option, you have to enter the value of the code that should be scanned to answer the question. The generated scanner code will show next to the entered value. Click on the scanner code to open it in a separate window, from where you can print it or save it as an image. In case you have added multiple specific scanner code questions to a checklist, it is easier to export these in one go. Simply select the checklist and click the "Export Scanner Codes" button qrcode.png.


Type 2: Use QR codes as a filtering option for checklists and assignments

You can use the scanner option as a location filter to get a better overview of either your list of checklists or assignments. With the mobile app, scan the code on a location and click apply to show checklists or assignments connected to that location.




Type 3: Use QR codes as a shortcut to locations in the location overview tile 

The location overview tile in the mobile app is a great way to get an overview of the statuses and details of the locations (and location groups) that the user has access to. When scanning a QR code it sends the user directly to a certain location and its data.  

The video below teaches you how to use the scanner code in the location overview tile.




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