Viewing checklist results on a map

This article is about the use of GPS tracking when completing a checklist. With this enabled you can view the location of your checks, and by this assure the quality of your checklist results. 


When viewing a report of a checklist you can view the different GPS positions captured while the checks were completed. This means you can see the the different locations and sequence of checks completed.

This feature can help you increase the compliance of you results.


How to show map

  1. Go to results tab in the web app.
  2. Tick off the relevant checklist and click view.
  3. In the the top right corner of the report dialog you will find a map icon google-maps.png. By clicking show map, the map appears.
  4. In this window you can inspect the different checks and the sequence between them. By clicking a pin the details of the check appear. You will find an explanation of the different pins at the end of this article.
  5. If you want to return to the report, click the show report text-box-outline.png icon in the top right corner of the dialog. 



The Mobaro user must give access to the GPS data

A precondition for this to feature to work is the consent from the user of the device which is completing the check. The data will not be collected unless the user allows Mobaro to do so. The user is asked to give consent the first time he/she opens the mobile app (if using an iOS device), or the first time the GPS is activated (if using an Android).

If you want to change these settings later on, this is done in the settings of the device.


Tip: If you wish to view the map of a report, but the icon google-maps.png show map is not visible, no data is collected from the performance of the checklist. To prevent this, make sure that all devices used to complete checklists has GPS tracking enabled. 


Accuracy of the map

The GPS data are collected from the mobile device, just as any other app that has been given the access. If given permission, Mobaro has access to the coordinates and conveys this information through the map of your checklist results.

The specific GPS positions are marked with a pin and a circle. This circle indicates inaccuracy, meaning the possible position of the check being made is within this circle. The radius of the circle can vary due to for example signal and power of the device.


Warning: Inaccuracy is inevitable and can possibly result in misleading location pins on your map. Therefore, always check up the assignee of the performed checklist, before making decisions based on the map of a report.


Understand the different pins

gr_n.png A green pin indicates that the check is completed with the highest possible amount of points.

pin-clipart-map-pin-5.png A red pin indicates that the check is completed with the lowest possible amount of points. 

orange.png A yellow pin indicates that the check is completed with an amount of points between the maximum and minimum span of possible amount of points.

gr_-removebg-preview.png A grey pin indicates that the check completed has no points added to the question answered.

Location_mark-removebg-preview.png A dark pin is the geographical position set for the location.


If a pin has a plus you can click and unfold the specific checks.



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