Modify checklist results

This article is about the option to modify and delete results of a checklist. This an administrative feature that hands you the option of correcting mistakes made during the check.


Certain administrative users in Mobaro have the opportunity to modify or delete the specific results of a completed checklist. All changes are logged and marked in the report.

To do so, the administrative user has to be granted a role that has permission to modify results. This will allow the user to modify and delete single checks within a result. This applies to results that the user can see and otherwise has access to. Do note, that the permission to delete results applies the entire result. If you want to read more on creating roles, check out this article.


How to modify results

When the above prerequisite is secured follow these steps to modify a result:

  1. Go to results tab in the web app.
  2. Tick off the relevant checklist and click view.
  3. Within each question you will see two icons: pencil.png & delete.png. The first is editing and the second is deleting. Both options apply to the individual question and its answers. By pressing one of the icons an editor will show. Note: all question types can be modified except a signature question.
  4. When changes are made press save changes.
  5. Fill out the optional reason for changes and press save changes once again.




Warnings worth noting

Furthermore you should be aware of the warnings presented. They generally reflect that all changes made only applies to the report, which underlines the administrative purpose of the feature. For example, will the overall scoring of the checklist be updated, but if an assignment is created during the completion of the checklist, this assignment will continue to exist even though the specific check is deleted or modified. The warnings are the following:


When you modify an answer in a result you should be aware of:

  • The scoring for questions, pages and report will be updated.
  • Logic that shows and hides questions based on the edited answers will not be triggered.
  • Assignments will not be created when selecting answers that normally triggers an assignment.
  • Assignments created by an existing answer will not be removed.
  • All changes will be logged.


When you delete an answer in a result you should be aware of:

  • The scoring for questions, pages and report will be updated.
  • Logic that shows and hides questions based on the edited answers will not be triggered.
  • Assignments created by an existing answer will not be removed.
  • All changes will be logged.


Logging the changes

All changes made to a checklist are logged and documented through the following:

  • Modified checks are marked with a grey box and the timestamp is updated.
  • Deleted checks are marked with a red box and the timestamp is updated.
  • The activity feed next to the report reflects all changes and given reasons if it filled out.
  • If a checklist has been edited, an icon will show on the total list of results together with the total number of changes made.




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