Readiness and compliance widgets on your dashboard

This article is about two different widgets, which can help you view your compliance management effort. On the dashboard, you get a real-time view of the number of results that need action.


To reach the full potential of compliance effort, you can use the following different compliance widgets:

This article will guide you through the configuration and use of the different widgets. 

Readiness and compliance meter

The readiness widget shows you the progress of your handled work. Hereby you can get an indication of the work progress based on the total amount of work within a given period.

Handled work can refer to different things depending on your setup. It includes all results that:

  • are automatically approved due to no compliance tracking.
  • are automatically approved because they fulfilled certain compliance conditions.
  • did not fulfill certain compliance conditions but are approved by administrative staff.

The readiness widget does not include missing results as previous – unless they have been approved by administrative staff. Furthermore, the readiness widget does not differ between the different states of a result. For that the compliance meter is useful.

The compliance meter widget visualizes the progress of your work based on the different states of results within a certain period.

  • Green: Handled (if settings are aligned this will be equal to the readiness)
  • Yellow: Requires approval
  • Red: Missing results
  • Orange: Overdue
  • Dark grey: Available now
  • Light grey: Available later




Focus the view of the widgets

For both widgets configuration and filtering options can be used to change their view depending on your purpose.

Location overview

The location overview widget provides you a real-time summary of the red/green status of all locations in your account – editable by filters. This will allow you to get an indication of the status of a specific area or your entire organization.

Red/green refers to the operational status of a specific location.

  • Red locations have unresolved checklists, blocking downtimes, or assignments (if turned on in the Configuration tab) that indicate the location is not ready for operation.
  • Green locations have resolved all qualifying checklists and assignments and have no active downtimes. These locations are seen as ready for operation.

Location map overview

The location map overview widget, similar to the location overview widget, provides you a real-time visual summary of the red/amber/green readiness and operational status of all locations in your account viewable on your own organization’s map. This will allow you to get an indication of the status of a specific area or your entire organization.

The location map has several icon variations that relate to the readiness and operational status of a particular location.

In the configuration, you have different options of including handled items.

As a default setting approved items are included in “handled work". When looking at e.g. last week's readiness in retrospect your readiness should be green and tipping towards 100%. By disabling this setting, you can see the original amount of automatically approved items within a period. When this setting is used in the compliance meter you get a detailed view of exactly where the different approval flows are piling up.

Another option is to include all results awaiting approval. This is useful if you want the readiness or compliance meter to show how far the actual conduction of the checklists are and by that excluding the work of administrative staff.

Both widgets can provide you a total overview both in real-time and in retrospective.


You can customize the time range through two time-based filtering options:

  • The period: Today, yesterday, current week, current month, last xx days, specific months, or a custom time range.
  • And what the period should include:
    • Overlaps include all schedules that are in contiguity with the chosen period.
    • Starts only include checklists that start within the chosen period.
    • Ends only include checklists that end within the chosen period.
    • Starts and ends: only includes checklists that start and end within the chosen period.

By using both filtering options you can get different views of your readiness. Examples of settings could be :

  • Overlaps + current week includes all the schedules that are in contact with the current week
  • Starts and ends + today: includes only the work scheduled for today
  • Ends + current week includes all of the checklists which have its deadline within today

You can also use the regular filtering options: checklists and checklist categories, locations and location groups, and schedules.


Deviation overview 

The deviation overview widget hands you an overview of your total compliance management. This widget is useful if you use several different compliance management features because it gives you a real-time status on which deviations, that need action.  

The deviation overview widget includes:

  • The number of missing checklists.
  • Number of checklists answered too far from the location due to “require correct GPS location”
  • Number of checklists answered too late due to “require timely answer”
  • Number of checklists answered too fast due to “require minimum answer duration”




You have different options for adjusting the content of the widget. By pressing the icon you can choose which deviations should be included. You can filter the content on the widget based on time, checklist categories, schedules, checklists, and locations.

Furthermore, you can exclude approved items by pressing the icon compliance_shield.PNG. This way already approved deviations will not be included, and will give you an overview of the number of checklists that need action.


Checklist state-specific widgets

If you want a more focused view of certain aspects of your compliance management the following widgets can be helpful:

  • The Overdue Checklist widget shows the number of overdue checklists. It can be filtered based on categories, schedules, checklists, and locations.
  • The Missed Checklist widget shows the number of missed checklists. It can be filtered based on time, schedule, checklist, location, and the checklists state (if it is missing, approved, or rescheduled)
  • The Completed Checklists widget shows the number of completed checklists. It can be filtered based on time, schedule, checklist, location, and the checklists state (if it is the default, awaiting validation, approved or disapproved)




By filtering a widget on the checklists state you can get an overview of e.g. how many completed checklists are awaiting validation.


TIP: If you click on any of the widgets a drill-down menu will pop up providing you with further information.






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