This article is about your different options of configuring notifications rules, which will function as default settings for the entire organization.
Mobaro supports various types of notifications. You can manage the default settings for the entire organization under the Notifications Rules tab, and by pressing Notification Settings.
The notification rules include both email and push notifications. The latter are messaged being pushed to the individual users’ mobile screen.
You have the possibility of setting up notifications both on email and push on four different subjects:
- Created assignments
- Updated assignments
- Completed assignments
- Comments on assignments
Within each of the subjects above, there are several notifications. The differences are regarding the user's relation to the assignment, and is one of the four:
- Assigned to me
- Assigned to one of my groups
- Created by me
- Subscribed assignments
Depending on the user's work and preferences, you can choose the number of notifications that are relevant to you. Read more in the Personalized settings section of this article.
For push notifications you have further two options of receiving notifications:
- Updated categories on subscribed images
- Comments on subscribed images
You can read more about how and why you can subscribe to images in this article.
Personalized settings
When your Mobaro account is created, your entire organization is set up by default to receive all notifications. If you want to personalize the notification settings, you can do so in the Users tab. In the editor of each user, you can tick off “Personalize Settings”, and tick off the notifications the user wishes to receive.
The personalized settings can also be edited from the mobile app. This is done from the Profile tile, and under Notification Settings. Here you have the same option of configuring your personal notification settings as on web.