Stay connected with Mobaro by downloading our mobile app and keeping it up-to-date. Whether you’re using an iOS, Android, or Windows device, you can easily access all the features Mobaro offers.
Downloading the Mobaro App
To download the Mobaro app, simply visit your device's app store:
Mobaro App for iOS Devices: Available on the App Store
Mobaro App for Android Devices: Available on Google Play
Mobaro App for Windows Devices: Available on the Windows Store
Currently, the Mobaro app is compatible with iOS, Android, and Windows 10 and 11 devices. Check the current minimum requirements through the links provided above.
App Store and OTA Updates
App Store Updates
App store updates refer to new versions of the Mobaro app that are available through your device's app store, such as the App Store, Google Play, or Windows Store. These updates typically include significant changes, bug fixes, and new features.
Manual Check for App Store Updates:
Open Your App Store: Access the App Store, Google Play, or Windows Store, depending on your operating system.
Search for Mobaro: Enter "Mobaro" into the search bar.
Update the App: If an update is available, tap the update button
to install the latest version.
OTA Updates
Over-the-Air (OTA) updates are smaller updates that occur within the app itself, frequently delivering minor enhancements, security patches, and performance improvements.
Manual Check for OTA Updates:
Open the Mobaro App: Ensure you are connected to the internet.
Login: Upon logging in, the app will automatically check for any OTA updates.
Install Updates: Follow the on-screen prompts to install any available updates before proceeding.
Binary Updates and MDM
Binary Updates
Binary updates involve significant changes to the core app structure and are less frequent. These updates often require a full app replacement rather than incremental changes.
Mobile Device Management (MDM)
For users managing devices through a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system:
MDM and App Stores: If your MDM can integrate with app stores like Google Play, updates will be managed automatically.
Direct Binary Files: If your MDM doesn't support app store updates, you'll need to obtain the latest binary files directly from Mobaro for manual deployment.
Contacting Mobaro for Binary Updates
For assistance with binary updates and obtaining the necessary files for your MDM system, please contact Mobaro Support via [email protected] or your Mobaro representative.
Tips for Keeping the Mobaro App Up-to-Date
Enable Automatic Updates: Most modern devices support automatic updates to ensure you always have the latest version.
Set Reminders: Periodically check for updates manually to stay current.
Monitor Release Notes: Keep an eye on release notes for insights into new features and improvements via our What's New article.