This article is about the Gallery tab. From here you can access and manage the images created from assignments and checklists.
The Gallery is an updated image library of all the images that are added through checklists and assignments. In the gallery, you can navigate, categorize, keep track of images, and create assignments.
The list view
When you enter the Galler tab you will find all images in a list view.
On each image tile, you can see the title of the image, the name of the location, and a date and time stamp. In the top right corner of the tile icons indicate the source of the image:
From a checklist
From an assignment
From camera
From storage
In the bottom right corner, you can see whether there are any
comments to the images and if you subscribe to the image. A subscription to the image is a way of keeping track of the image. Through the notification rules, you can make sure, that you receive notifications on any activities to the image. Read more on notification rules in this article. You are subscribed to an image as soon as you engage by e.g. commenting on an image. The same accounts if you are the creator of the image. You can subscribe to the image by clicking on the image, and press
"subscribe" in the upper right corner in the detailed view.
Furthermore, if any category is added to the image it will show by the color indication at the bottom left corner. Adding categories is a way of categorizing images so you easily can find them for future reference. This could for example be categories of best practice, worst practice, or images for the newsletter.
In the list view of the gallery, you have different options for filtering. You can filter on time, status, origin (from camera or storage), source (from checklists or assignments), locations, users, checklists, schedules, and categories.
Tip: You can filter on a specific page or question from a checklist. This is done by choosing only one checklist, and then one page, and optionally one question.
The detailed view
When you click on an image, you get a detailed view of the image including an activity feed.
In the top bar, you can
download the image,
go to the source of the image, press
for more options which includes the possibility of creating a related assignment, where the specific image is added. Click
to close the window.
In the activities feed at the left, you can
subscribe/unsubscribe, manage categories and you can see any actions made. If you hover your mouse over the image, an information bar will show at the bottom. This includes the location, the creator of the image, and the source – being either the name of a checklist or an assignment.